Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for people to adopt a dog into their family of any breed, think that’s the extent of the expense that comes with owning a dog, and quickly realize that’s not the case.
When you’re browsing French bulldogs for sale, you’re looking at a thousand to four-thousand-dollar investment into your new family member, but that’s just the initial cost.
We love to see our French bulldogs get new forever homes with amazing families, but for that to happen, you need to understand exactly what it entails beyond just the initial investment.
Here’s a complete breakdown of the cost of French bulldogs and what comes with them as well as what you should be ready for.
1: Initial Costs
As we said, a French bulldog isn’t cheap. It’s not like going to a shelter, paying a few hundred dollars, and getting a new dog.
These are carefully bred French bulldog puppies with extensive work put into choosing the right parents, ensuring they receive the appropriate medical care for their breed early on, helping promote a positive temperament, etc.
That all goes into the cost, and you end up paying between $1000 and $4000 for a good dog who will be a happy member of your family.
2: Regular Grooming Costs
One area that people tend to forget about is the unique grooming standard for French Bulldogs.
At first glance, they seem like incredibly easy dogs to maintain due to their short coat and tendency to be indoor pets instead of running around in dirty environments. Unfortunately, they do have some more complex grooming needs.
Upfront, you’ll need to buy a good dog shampoo, dog nail clippers, and a soft bristle brush. Those are all fairly cheap, and you shouldn’t have to spend more than $40 on all of it. Assuming you replace the shampoo every couple of months and occasionally buy a new brush, your overall costs will likely be far less than $100 per year.
However, that is still a cost to consider.
Also, note that how well you groom your French bulldog can also affect one of the costs we talk about later. Particularly when it comes to infections and their skinfolds.
3: Food Budget
The amount it costs to feed your French bulldog depends greatly on the type of food you buy it, but there are pros and cons to choosing a food at either end of the price range.
On average, you can spend $20 to $60 per month on dog food and treats for your French bulldog. Per year, that’s $240 to $700 in food.
That seems expensive when you add up the annual cost, but it’s fairly low. Since a French bulldog is a smaller breed, it doesn’t eat as much per day.
The key here is to not buy the cheapest food. Corners were likely cut in its production, and those cost-saving measures for the manufacturer might end up costing you big when it comes to your dog’s long-term health and longevity.
You don’t have to buy the most expensive food, either. Instead, focus on a high-quality option with the nutrients your dog needs to be healthy.
4: Unexpected Medical Costs
As adorable as French bulldogs are, they do have some unique medical care needs that aren’t cheap to take care of.
For most of your Frenchy’s life, the primary concern is going to come down to skin infections. The same folds that give French bulldogs their cute and chubby look are prime sources for skin infections.
Dirt and debris can get trapped in the skin folds and cause blisters, ingrown hairs, and infections fairly easily. Each time that happens, you’re going to have to spend a couple of hundred dollars on the vet to properly medicate your dog back to health.
Of course, this issue is greatly minimized by proper grooming. Remember earlier how we told you that your performance in the grooming department can help lower your costs overall?
Well, if you bathe your French bulldog once per week, and you make sure to gently clean between the skinfolds, you won’t have to worry about infections nearly as much. It’s better for your dog and your wallet.
Still, you should keep money put aside to handle this issue in case it ever pops up, because it requires immediate care to prevent it from becoming a bigger issue.
As your dog ages, more problems are likely to pop up, and it’s not so simple to deal with them.
French bulldogs can commonly suffer from spine problems and various other serious conditions as they age. This is why it’s so important to spend the extra money purchasing your French bulldog from a reputable breeder instead of finding the best deal.
When genetics are taken into consideration during the breeding process, and paperwork is provided to prove it, you are far less likely to end up with major medical expenses later on.
5: Living Space and Comfort
This is one area where French bulldogs are extremely cheap. They’re small dogs that aren’t too active. So, you don’t have to worry about setting up complex exercise areas, having the largest property possible, or any of that.
They can comfortably live in an apartment as long as you take them for short walks every once in a while.
Expect to spend a couple hundred dollars on a decent selection of toys and bedding. Those are rarely replaced. So, it’s not a big expense.
The Average Annual Cost of a French Bulldog
As you can see, there are a lot of variables that affect your overall cost for your French bulldog. You might get lucky some years and only have to pay for food and new shampoo, or you might have to deal with some medical bills.
On average, French bulldog owners tend to spend around $2800, but they can spend as little as $1098 annually, as well.
The only time this is a lowball number is the first year. If you’re doing everything you can for your French bulldog, the first year will likely cost close to $5000 including the purchase of the dog.
Bring a French Bulldog into Your Family with Philly Frenchy
We know we’ve talked a lot about the cost of owning a French Bulldog, but Frenchies are the perfect dog for most people.
They’re loving with a gentle temperament, don’t require a lot of space or extreme activity, and they love affection.
If you’d like to add a French bulldog to your family, contact Philly Frenchy today.